Tekno Reviews: Thundercats 4″ Mumm-Ra

I take a look at the scrawny bad of the new Thundercats cartoon!

Teknotips: Fanmoding a backpack for the TCC 2012 Battlechargers!

So, the Transformers Collectors Club announced this year that two of their exclusive figures are going to be remolds of Generations Wheeljack, done up as the G1 Battlechargers Runabout and Runamuck. Fantastic mold choice overall. Except that the upper body doesn’t have a great resemblance. HOWEVER! I have determined a way to replicate a G1esque backpack hood on the Wheeljack mold, in anticipation of these new Battlechargers, that’s not only someone stable but requires NO modifications. So, here’s how!

Tekno Reviews: TFcon 2011 Custom Class Downshift

It’s a really quick look at the custom class figure from TFcon 2011 – G1 Downshift! How does it compare to the base mold it’s been forged from?

When Words Collide 2011 – “War of the Worlds” Performance

Last week at the first annual When Worlds Collide convention in Calgary (August 12-14, 2011), one of the panels was a live performance of Orson Welles’ “War of the Worlds” radio play, based on HG Wells’ book. Yes, this is the same play that made many think aliens had invaded the US. Unfortunately, I only was able to use the first 35 minutes or so – the stuff after the intermission didn’t come out well at all; a fact I attribute to covering the mic with my finger or something on my iPhone. But it’s still an entertaining performance recorded for posterity.

TFcon Toronto 2011 Part 3 (Sunday)

Join several appropriately-dressed Lugnut-tans as they aid in presenting the various snippets of video footage I shot at TFcon 2011!